Author name:
CEO and Creator of Tapis Trees. Tired of the expense, mess, hassle and sadness seeing tree carcasses on the curb every January, I spontaneously asked the kids if I could paint a picture of a Christmas tree and we'd decorate the painting. They agreed and then other people also wanted one, so here we are. My family loves trees. I spent my childhood in trees. When my daughter was 4 she wanted to marry our lime tree. She wore a white dress, we had a little ceremony and blessed their union hoping it would bear fruit. :) We’re grateful for all trees do for us; absorbing carbon dioxide, producing oxygen, providing shade and shelter, preventing erosion and cutting down noise pollution, and even reducing violence and stress. Plus they’re pretty! So instead of taking the life of a beautiful pine each holiday season, we’re inspired to give. We’d like the planet to have as many trees as possible. I also happen to teach meditation.